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Economía para negocios (Spanish Edition) is an introductory textbook for undergraduate majors in economics, business, and related fields. The text provides a systematic approach to basic economics concepts with emphasis on the importance of understanding economic reasoning for management decisions in business. Emphasis is placed on how markets work-where supply and demand jointly determine prices-as well as how the economy determines output levels, incomes, unemployment rates, interest rates, exchange rates and inflation. This book covers subjects such as international trade polices; labor markets; macroeconomics including growth models and inflation; financial markets including banking institutions and short-term capital flows; international monetary relations. The methodology covers both the theory and data analysis. This book has been used at many universities all over the world and has been translated into Chinese, Portuguese and Russian languages. Carrying capacity and conservation: three cases for consideration: caribou, reindeer and Pacific Salmon. -"Journal of Wildlife Management", v. 2, 1966 The Relative Importance of Corn as a Food Source to Man: A Hypothesis - "Journal of Nutrition", v. 72, 1962 Milk-Yield Response to Corn Silage or Grain Withdrawal Periods in Dairy Cows - "Journal of Dairy Science", v. 51, 1968 The Output of an Agro-Ecosystem under the Natural Conditions of Western Siberia - "Soviet Agricultural Economics", v. 19, 1975Author's official home page Category:Economic textbooksCategory:Economics booksCategory:Krugman textbooksCategory:O'Kean, Jose MariaCategory:Textbooks com/books?id=8MYgAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA86&dq=Economía+para+negocios+Jose+Maria+O'kean&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZ6-ek9bZAhUB5LQKHQKHzc4sQ6AEIHTAA#v=onepage&q=Economía%20para%20negocios%20Jose%20Maria%20O'kean&f=false com/books?id=oO7cAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA145&dq=Economía+para+negocios+Jose+Maria+O'kean&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZ6-ek9bZAhUB5LQKHQKHzc4sQ6AEIHTAA#v=onepage&q=Economía%20para%20negocios%20Jose%20Maria%20O'kean&f=false com/books?id=-IUgAAAAMBAJ&pgisourl=false https://books. eccc085e13